Baaike Van de Wygaert

Specialisation: Health law

Education & Accreditations

  • KULeuven, Campus Brussels, Master’s degree in IP and ICT Law 2022
  • KULeuven, Master of Laws 2022 (cum laude)

About Baaike Van de Wygaert

Baaike Van de Wygaert graduated cum laude as a Master of Laws at KULeuven in 2022.  She specialized in civil law, as well as international and European law.  Since Baaike was fascinated by health law, she also did voluntary work at a geriatrics department of a hospital in Leuven.  This commitment, as well as her dissertation titled "Why care about being rare? Kritisch pleidooi voor een geëuropeaniseerd weesgeneesmiddelenbeleid" sparked her interest for health law even more.

In 2022, Baaike obtained an additional Master’s degree in Intellectual Property and ICT Law.  On the basis of her elective courses, she emphasized the health law aspects of these specific legal domains.  Not only did this Master provide Baaike with a comprehensive overview of the intellectual property rights in the broad sense, this training also shed a light on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) from different perspectives.

Baaike took her oath as a lawyer at the Brussels Bar in September 2022.