More about Tine Bartholet
Specialisation: Business law and Health law
Education & Accreditations
KULeuven, Campus Brussels, Master’s degree in IP and ICT Law 2023 (magna cum laude)
KULeuven, Master of Laws 2022 (cum laude)
About Tine Bartholet
Tine graduated cum laude as a Master of Laws at KULeuven in 2022. During her studies, her main interests were international law, criminal law and health law. Her interest in health law was sparked by her internship at the World Health Organization, her thesis on access to COVID-19 vaccines and internships at various law firms specialized in health law.
In 2023, she completed magna cum laude an additional Master's degree in Intellectual Property and ICT Law at KULeuven. Here too, she wrote a thesis on access to COVID-19 vaccines, but this time with focus on the international patent regime. This education provided further knowledge on data protection (GDPR), health law and IP/IT and AI regulations.